We're conditioned, even though we say we're an anti-hustle culture now, to feel like if OUR calendar isn't booked every hour you aren't being productive. 

^^ It's complete bull sh*t. 

Look, I get it. You're hustling hard, juggling a million tasks, and yet, that nagging feeling of not doing enough won't leave you alone. 

You dream for the day that the frenemy committee in the back of your head says: 
  • It's never too late 
  • You're doing it right 
  • Look atchu go! 

But really, the day it actually shuts up...  THAT day is just around the corner. 
FREE 15-Min Consult →


Are you a creative entrepreneur or individual ready to ditch limiting beliefs & learn how to ACTUALLY manifest? 

Imagine what it would be like... 
  • Waking up every morning to a flood of serenity, peace, and confidence.
  • Not feeling the pangs of anxiety that there aren't enough hours in the day. 
  • Trusting the process and knowing that you're successful right now at this moment, & more abundance is coming. 

tell me if this sounds just like you....


You're ready to ditch imposter syndrome and anxiety. 


You're ready to uncover & honor your innate gifts and make an impact.


You're ready to break generational cycles and limiting beliefs. 


You're ready to ditch burnout & allow yourself to be seen cuz you know who you are, what you're doing & where you're going.

this is for you.

You move about your day with ease knowing your life's purpose – outside & inside of your career – relationships are thriving.

You have the freedom to focus on what really lights you up. And most importantly, you're successful... minus all the stress, anxiety, & burnout.

Let's paint the picture a little more... 

This isn't some cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all. 

MY superpower?

Reprogramming burnout and energy blocks while creating a strategic blueprint for success is my secret sauce. 

WHY? Cuz I've been in your shoes — stuck in a dark cycle of not-enoughness, trauma & limiting beliefs — and none of the coaching and systems worked for me. I had to research and study modern & eastern psychology modalities. 

I found what worked for me and all of my clients. 

A fusion of intuitively seeing the BIG PICTURE and unlocking seamless success for others — because true hustlers know when to hustle, and when to let the universe do its thing. 

We gotta go through you to get to the new you. 

let's align yourself with your

We're all about transforming creative minds into effortlessly successful entrepreneurs with a bespoke mix of NLP techniques, Human Design insights, and a revolutionary anti-hustle approach.

Stop focusing on the WHY and more on the HOW you can move forward and never (almost) look back. 

Your future self is already cheering you on. 

highest purpose

This service is for you if… 

You're feeling bogged down by limiting beliefs or old narratives that are holding you back. This 90-minute deep clean will help you shake off the cobwebs with a powerful reset. 

You're a low-risk kinda gal/guy... you wanna dip your toes into NLP, Human Design, and the Lazy Hustler process. 

Your current business strategy isn't working and you're looking to revamp it intuitive style. We'll peel back the layers, reassess your strategies, and make practical suggestions. 

This is tailor-made for the 

'test it before you buy'

kinda entrepreneur 

You're a Lazy Hustler Program graduate and need a quick intuitive alignment. 

With The Lazy Hustler 1:1 Session


+ ONE 90-minute 1:1 session (virtual)

+ pay by-the-hour after the first 90 minutes for only what you need

+ personal human design chart (if new cient) with detailed information on productivity, branding, business, etc. 

+ zoom recording & write-up of meredith's notes delivered post-meeting in less than 24 hours. 

Want something like that?


+ 20% discount on all future programs and resources

Did you say you need an intuitive programer?!

I’ll have you quit limiting beliefs and clearing energy blocks from your business in less than 90 minutes.

The rest of the time is for business strategy or whatever is on your mind.

This session is for Y - O - U. 

Price: $250

Think of it as your tune-up – if you’re itching for a quick fix – or don’t need the whole enchilada – this 90 min coaching session packs a punch. 


"I can confidently say that it's clear Meredith's purpose is to see the forest between the trees for entrepreneurs.

From the moment we started collaborating, Meredith demonstrated a perfect blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and anti-burnout tools. Since finishing it, I’ve doubled my client base, quit second-guessing my every move marketing-wise, and use tools that help me inside & out with my business."

— Janet Schmidt, Quantum Coach

“Before I started working with Meredith, I had my doubts about NLP and struggled finding out how and where to start. 

All of my doubts were completely wrong. Within 3 weeks of working with Meredith, we completely reprogrammed past events that were triggering me. And on top of that, she revamped my business's website."

— Matthew Jayson, Actor



Lay Down the Concrete

Let’s do a deep dive into your belief system and business goals, identifying strengths and weaknesses. We’ll also establish what energy plugs are leaking and where we need to patch up some holes. 


Custom Strategy

Next, we tailor a strategy uniquely to you. This isn’t about one-size-fits-all solutions; it’s about crafting a plan that speaks to your heart. By customizing your strategy, we ensure that the path we chart not only leads to success but feels authentically yours.


Truth or Dare?

I double dog dare you to speak action to your goals. We envision and carry out an intuitive plan for expansion that breaks boundaries—be it launching a new business, leaning into a side hustle, or establishing thought leadership. 

It’s FAQS timeee


I don't know NLP or Human Design... is that okay? 

That's perfect... let's pop your NLP + Human Design cherry! Our sessions are tailored to meet you where you're at, introducing NLP and Human Design in a praticle, accessible way is one of my specialities. 


Are your sessions in-person or zoom? 

1:1s are on Zoom, but the Lazy Hustler Program(s) have the option of in-person if you live in Los Angeles. 


Can I really overcome burnout? 

Absolutely. With the right tools and mindset, moving past burnout and into a state of empowerment and productivity is within your grasp. You just have to take the first step. 


What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)? 

NLP allows you to rewrite the subconscious scripts that guide your thoughts and actions, offering a new narrative for your life. In doing so, you’re able to deprogram your past and reprogram your present and future. 


What is Human Design?

Human Design is like a cosmic blueprint that combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and chakra systems to reveal your unique strengths and how you’re designed to navigate life. All of this is determined by your birthday, date of birth, & place of birth.


Are you certified? 

Yes, I’m a certified NLP Practitioner, Reiki II, and Human Design Reader. 


Is the investment worth it? 

Consider this: the cost is a fraction of what burnout can take from your life and career. With personalized and actionable strategies, you're investing in the future you want. 


Do I need to have a company in order to do a session? 

Not at all! This session is custom to where you're at on your journey. And if you're looking to pivot and follow a different passion, then I'm excited to be a part of that journey! 


Grab yourself something FREE that will smash limiting beliefs and revamp your definition of success. So, you can live a wealthier life on your terms!