Welcome to your home for mind hacks, anti-hustle tools, redefining success, vulnerability, and all things to become a Lazy Hustler!
A Boston girl who learned how to pronounce her “Rs” in Los Angeles.
With almost two decades of experience in the entertainment, tech, health & wellness industries, and a track record of transforming creative entrepreneurs from burnout to breakthrough, I have crafted winning strategies that facilitate growth.
Reprogramming burnout and energy blocks with strategic business planning is my superpower.
I hustled nonstop for over 10+ years. It took a toll. Everything looked great on the outside. Yet, I fell to my knees. It was a time of deep self-discovery. This is when I discovered the exact formula for increasing output while clearing the calendar – one that removes burnout and imposter syndrome.
I’m doing more than ever. I should have less time. My calendar should be packed. But it isn’t. I’m passionate about unleashing your unique potential with tools because I actually understand the creative mind.
Get The Routine
You don't need more hours in a day. You need an anti-hustle routine tailored to your energy and needs.